National Recovery Month – Start Your Recovery Journey Today!

Making the choice to give up alcohol or drugs and asking for help takes courage and strength. Even if you feel that you don’t have these two things inside – you do. Making that one first phone call to us, here at Riverwalk Recovery, is a great step in the right direction. We can help you and others start your recovery journey today. 

Admit You Need Help

The first step you can make to start your recovery journey is to admit that you need help. You will need to make this admission to yourself first as most addicts and alcoholics are in denial. Once you can admit that you need help to yourself, you can start admitting this to your friends and family members. If you don’t have many or any people supporting you, you still aren’t alone. Our team, here at Riverwalk Recovery, will support and help you throughout the recovery process. 

If you have already admitted that you need help, congratulate yourself, as that is the first step to changing the rest of your life for the better. 

Getting Support from Others

To have a successful recovery from an addiction it is quite important that you have a good support system. Some of the people that might be a part of this system include:

  • Family members
  • Neighbors
  • Friends
  • Co-workers
  • People who go to church with you
  • Acquaintances 
  • Other loved ones

You probably already know how lonely it can feel to have an addiction in the first place. You don’t want to feel lonely when you are working hard on overcoming the addiction and you don’t have to. Even if you don’t have many people in your life that are going to support you in your recovery, you can always attend addiction recovery meetings, go to church or join other recovery treatment programs to find people who want you to do well in recovery. 

Get Through the Detox Process

The next step you must take to start your recovery journey is to get through the detox process. This stage is probably the most uncomfortable, however, it is crucial to your recovering lifestyle. The detox stage is when you get your body clean and sober. You start living substance-free. When you don’t have drugs or alcohol in your system, you are able to think more clearly and make better decisions for your life.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who relapse while going through the detox process. The good news is there are detox treatment programs that can help to lower your risk of relapsing. These same programs can ease some of your withdrawal symptoms, so you aren’t struggling so much throughout this process. 

Do you want a clean slate to the rest of your life? If so, reach out to us here at Riverwalk Recovery to get into a detox or medication-assisted treatment program today. 

recovery journey

Going to an Addiction Treatment Program 

Luckily, there are numerous evidence-based treatments and recovery journey services that can help you throughout your recovery journey. These treatments can help you:

  • Manage your feelings and emotions
  • Reduce cravings
  • Lower your risk of relapsing
  • Reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms
  • Allow you to talk through your problems and successes
  • Connect you with others who want to overcome their addiction
  • Offer medications to help manage physical and/or mental health conditions
  • Receive peer support throughout the recovery process
  • Find the root cause of your addiction
  • Discover what is important in your life
  • Learn new, healthy coping skills 
  • Deal with trauma from childhood and/or other times in your life
  • Receive co-occurring disorder treatment (treatment for mental health issues and addictions)
  • Learn how to change your behaviors to make them fit your new, recovering lifestyle better

Starting your recovery journey can be a great, enjoyable experience. Sure, you might have withdrawal symptoms and obstacles you need to overcome. However, with the help of a professional addiction treatment team, you can get the help needed to push you forward in your life of recovery. 

Joining a treatment program is honestly one of the best things you can do for your sobriety and recovery journey. If you are thinking about getting into a treatment program, but you aren’t sure which one to attend or you need more information about it, please contact our Riverwalk Recovery team today.

Attend Recovery Meetings

There are also so many different recovery meetings you can attend. Some are held in churches, others in people’s homes, some in local organization buildings and even online. 

Meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and others can benefit you in your recovery journey significantly. Some of the benefits that you might have when attending these recovery meetings include:

  • Getting support through the toughest times of your recovery
  • Learning about how other people handle triggers in recovery
  • Talking through your issues, so you can release pent up emotions 
  • Getting the help you need to handle loss, grief, trauma and other negative experiences
  • Reduce your risk of relapsing

These are just some of the numerous benefits you can have when attending recovery meetings. If you need help finding a list of these meetings either in your area or online, reach out to our team today. We can get you into a treatment program, help you find recovery meetings and offer you other recovery resources, too. 

Getting a Change of Scenery

Most people who struggle with an addiction aren’t sure which treatment program they should attend – outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization or inpatient. The truth is there isn’t just one program that everyone should attend. There are factors that can help you to decide which program would be the right one for you such as:

  • Length of your addiction
  • Drugs and/or alcohol abused
  • Support system at home – yes or no
  • Environment you live in
  • Previous attempts at sobriety 
  • Previous treatments received 

These are just some things that you will want to think about when you choose a treatment program. With all this being said, if you need a change of scenery and to get out of the environment you are living in, an inpatient treatment program may be the best option. 

Start Your Recovery Journey Here at Riverwalk Recovery Today

Are you dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? Maybe, you are addicted to both these substances. You might be experiencing a mental health disorder at the same time. If you are dealing with mental health problems and/or an addiction, you can start your recovery journey here at Riverwalk Recovery today.
Contact us to start the recovery journey in any one of our treatment programs.