What is Emotional Sobriety

Emotional sobriety is a term put together by the 12-step community. While physical sobriety can be seen as the act of not using addictive substances, emotional sobriety is the skill set that may make a person unable to make use of addictive substances. Without emotional sobriety, such a person may likely have a very difficult time with physical sobriety.

Why is Emotional Sobriety Important?

Most times, staying away from drugs and alcohol will also aid in reducing the chance of relapse is the main goal of treatment. However, preventing a relapse was not the only way to go about effective recovery. Addressing the negative emotions that might have led to the development of addiction is important. Plus, the emotions that may also stem as a result of addiction are imperative also to address. In other words, negative emotions may lead to a physical relapse; emotional sobriety is used to manage these emotions so that relapse may not occur in the first place. If a person is truly committed and focused on a life of sobriety, they’ll work toward establishing emotional sobriety.

Some Ways to Practice Emotional Sobriety

Throughout treatment, individuals may have a chance to begin practicing skills that are mostly needed for strong emotional sobriety. These skills may be developed by utilizing several tools, including:

  • Behavioral Therapy: Most treatment centers may use behavioral therapies to induce emotional sobriety. Therefore, these therapies may also help identify and address negative behavioral patterns. And how various emotions may likely play a part in these behavioral patterns. In this way, these emotions can be identified once treatment ends to negate negative behaviors.
  • Accepting Emotions: Addiction may leave nearly every individual struggling with negative emotions like shame and guilt. Furthermore, during their recovery, individuals may most likely struggle with these emotions and even the additional ones like anxiety and fear for the future. However, they can deal with these various emotions is essential to preventing relapse. Therefore, the first stage has to deal with emotions and accept both the good and the bad. Instead of being completely overwhelmed with emotion, emotional sobriety also includes stepping back, realizing emotions, and accepting them as they may come.
  • Get Community Support: attending peer group meetings like AA and NA may also help to stimulate the feelings of fellowship and establish support. This can also help to keep emotional sobriety in check. When you have people on your side who love to see you succeed, you’ll be more prepared to do so.
  • Holistic Therapies: Along with behavioral therapies, holistic therapies can also help to promote effective and emotional sobriety. So, therefore; Holistic therapies help individuals with mindfulness, which is being able to live in the present moment. But, this can also damage the recovery efforts and lead to relapse. So, to strengthen emotional sobriety, try to use several holistic therapies like chiropractic care, acupuncture, yoga, and meditation.

Looking for Treatment that Includes Stimulating Emotional Sobriety

If you’re serious about leaving addiction in the past, you must take appropriate measures to help you through your journey. For instance, you can seek both physical and emotional sobriety. One of the most important things you likely need to ensure your future happiness is developing emotional sobriety. This can be defined as the ability to handle your emotions, which is most important because it is often the failure to do this that may drive many into addiction in the first place.

Get Help from Riverwalk Recovery Center TODAY

Riverwalk Recovery Center is committed to delivering treatment for mental illnesses that includes; depressionanxiety, and eating disorders. We take the privilege of helping you or your loved ones change their life, and it is truly an honor. We are focused on empowering our clients to adopt a recovery lifestyle that is potent and formidable.

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