Negativity is habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny, oppose, or resist suggestions or commands. It is the tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, or skeptical. A negative person has a pessimistic attitude and always expects the worst.
Bad Things Happen to Good People All The Time
Getting a disease, suffering an injury, losing a game, having an accident, losing a job, or getting something stolen from you are all things that happen to people every day. A person with a negative attitude always expects bad things to happen. Some examples of “stinking thinking” are “I’ll never get better,” “why do bad things keep happening to me,” ” what’s gonna happen next,” “no one loves me,” or “I know this isn’t going to go right”! Someone full of negativity is hard to cheer up, but overcoming negativity is so important, especially in early recovery.
Early Recovery Negativity
Addiction is a complex brain disease. It’s not just about engaging in harmful behaviors, but the brain’s decision-making processes lead a person to act towards what’s against their best interests. For a negative thinker, any problems that arise throughout their life can feel like massive boulders trying to cut them off. For positive thinkers, these struggles in life are learning opportunities. The difference here is how we choose to respond to our troubles.
Overcoming Negativity In Early Recovery
When we recognize negative thought patterns, we can change them, but how do we do that? The first big step in overcoming negativity is to avoid negative people. To avoid negative thoughts and self-talk, you have to first look at who you are surrounding yourself with. Spending too much time with negative people drains your mental state and can thwart your best efforts to stay positive. Furthermore, it is toxic to your recovery. You may have to cut people out of your life who ate close friends and family, but it is what’s best. Your recovery is the number one priority here.
More About Tips For Overcoming Negativity In Early Recovery
Spend time with positive, supportive people. It helps our thoughts and can help your brain develop positive thought patterns. Having people in your corner to encourage you each day and tell you “you can overcome this” makes a world of difference. You are who you surround yourself with. Spend some time alone. Being alone can help you reflect, remove any negative outside influences, and focus on your own needs for a while. Alone time can also keep you away from negative influences or possible triggers. It can help you identify in yourself what may be attracting negativity and help you develop better awareness. Seek help from a therapist. Counseling and therapy are so important in early recovery. It’s nearly impossible to combat negative thoughts and feelings on your own. A mental health professional can help you recognize your negative thoughts and immediately correct them. They can also help you learn healthy coping mechanisms for negative thoughts and change any bad behaviors.
Start Treatment For Addiction at Riverwalk Recovery Center
Riverwalk Recovery Center understands how hard the recovery process can be. Recovery is a journey and not a destination. Our broad spectrum of treatment services helps people overcome addiction and mental health issues by helping them change their lifestyles. We have a team of compassionate and understanding professionals to address any issues you may have and invest in your success. If you or someone you love is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, give us a call and let our team help you.