Cocaine or coke is a drug that is highly addictive. It is sometimes called sneeze, snow, toot, flake, blow, and coke. People who use this drug often develop psychological and physical dependence on it. It is crucial to mention that there are recent spikes in fentanyl-laced cocaine which is leading to more overdoses and deaths related to drug use.
In addition to using cocaine for recreational use, it is given in some medical settings, such as after nasal surgery. It is said to help stop severe nasal bleeding. The problem is that even in these small doses, sometimes, people can become addicted to it.
If you or someone you know has a cocaine addiction, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Riverwalk Recovery team for treatment today.
How Cocaine Affects the Body
When someone uses this drug, it is going to affect their body in numerous ways. Before discussing how the drug affects a person’s body, it should be noted that the effects vary based on how cocaine is taken. For example, if someone injects it into their veins it is going to be more potent than if someone eats or snorts it. With this being said, some of the effects on the body when a person uses cocaine are:
- Initial high
- Heart arrhythmias
- Heart attack
- Seizures
- Stroke
- Coma
- Sudden death
As you can see, using cocaine is very dangerous. If you have been using this drug and want to get clean before it is too late, reach out to our team for help in overcoming cocaine addiction today.
Side Effects of Cocaine Use
Cocaine is illegal. However, many drug dealers are lacing it with other drugs, such as fentanyl, and selling it. Sometimes, it is sold in its pure form. Either way, the number of cocaine-related overdose deaths are rising in many areas.
With this being said, it is important to know what side effects someone could have when they use this drug, such as:
- Feeling invincible
- Euphoria
- Hyperactivity
- Severe increase in energy
- Staying up for days
- Feeling confident they can do anything
- Higher risk of unsafe sex
If you or someone you know is using cocaine, there are treatment programs that can help you to stop. Here at Riverwalk Recovery, we have treated many people who have a cocaine addiction. We can help you, as well.
Short-Term Effects from Getting High on Cocaine
What happens when someone gets high on this drug? Well, there are many effects, some of which include:
- Bloodshot eyes
- Constricted vessels
- High blood pressure
- High heart rate and body temperature
- Chest and/or abdominal pain
- Runny nose
- Restlessness
- Impotence
- Depression
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Mania
- Paranoia
- Twitching
If you notice someone who is displaying these signs, it would be good to find if they are using cocaine. If that is the case, you and other people that care about this person may need to hold an intervention to help them see they need treatment to overcome the addiction.
Long-Term Effects of Using Cocaine
If you or someone you know continues to use cocaine, there are likely going to be even more negative effects, such as:
- Severe weight loss
- Damage to teeth and nasal passages
- Damage to the lungs and heart
- Asthma
- Rare autoimmune diseases
- Aching all over the body
- Renal failure
- Kidney diseases
- Connective tissue conditions
- Higher risk of getting HIV/AIDS and/or hepatitis
- Increased risk of stroke or myocardial infarctions
- Difficulty holding a job or keeping up with personal relationships
- Financial issues
- Cheating, lying, and stealing
- Becoming violent
- Legal issues
If you or someone you know has these issues due to cocaine use, now is the time to get professional addiction treatment help.
Signs of Cocaine Addiction
How do you know if you or someone in your life is addicted to this drug? There are some common signs of cocaine addiction that include:
- Having a bloody or runny nose often
- Having white powder in or around the mouth and nose
- Weight loss that is unexplained
- Dilated pupils
- Noticeable sleeping and eating pattern changes
- Poor hygiene
- Lip and hand burn marks
- Nervousness
- Feeling on edge
- Mood swings
- Taking more risks than usual
- Increased mental health issues
- Isolating from friend group and/or family
- Losing interest in hobbies and other interests
- Being secretive or lying
- Relationship and financial issues
- Having drug paraphernalia around their home and/or vehicle
If you or someone you know is displaying these signs of cocaine addiction, the sooner professional addiction treatment is sought, the better chance there will be at overcoming the addiction and getting into a recovering lifestyle.
Get Cocaine Addiction Treatment Today
Here at Riverwalk Recovery, we pride ourselves on helping people to overcome addiction and to create the recovering lifestyle they need. If you or someone you know is addicted to cocaine or even if you just use the drug and want to quit, our team can get you into a treatment program right away.
Contact us today to get into a cocaine addiction treatment program.