Recovery or rehabilitation from addiction is the process of getting both medical and psychotherapeutic treatment for drug and alcohol dependence. In addition, it is a process of change to improve health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach an individual’s full potential. Recovery is different for everyone, so each person you ask will have a different definition of what recovery means to them. But recovery means being honest with yourself, being able to enjoy a life free of substances, living a life that contributes to society, one’s family, and your betterment, giving back, being the kind of person that people can count on, and striving to be consistent with values and beliefs in activities that take up the majority of your time and energy. Being in recovery is making positive changes and learning to handle negative feelings without using drugs and alcohol. It is living a contributive life.
Addiction And Recovery
Addiction is a debilitating disease that affects millions every year. Each person who suffers from the disease is unique and has individualized needs, so the treatment and recovery process for everyone will be different. In addition and recovery will vary based on the person’s age, family history, duration of addiction, type of drug used, and prior drug use.
What Are The 5 Stages Of Addiction Recovery?
Addiction Recovery can be a complex and unpredictable process for many. However, there are trends or stages that most people go through on their path to recovery. Here are the five stages of addiction recovery.
- Precontemplation – During this stage, the addict is still in denial about their addiction; they won’t admit they have a problem. Instead, the individual may blame their substance use on outside factors like a bad home situation, stressful job, or genetic predisposition. They are usually not interested in making any changes or seeking help, and they can even become defensive and rationalize their use if confronted.
- Contemplation – In the second stage of recovery, the individual realizes they have a problem and knows that they need to change. They will often think about their problem and need change but continue using substances. They will report enjoying it less even if they are using it more. The addict will have increased hopelessness but alternate uplifting feelings when they get help.
- Preparation – Stage three is the preparation stage. In this stage, the addict has made treatment plans. They are excited about their recovery and ready for a life without drugs and alcohol. They are encouraged to look at their different recovery options. In this stage, the addict may have mixed feelings about progressing. This is usually out of fear. Fear of the unknown or what’s going to happen. Fear of the detox process.
- Action – Stage four is the action stage. During this stage, the addict begins the recovery process. This usually means admitting themselves into a rehab facility or changing their behavior and surroundings to get sober. This stage is the most important and takes the most effort. In addition, the addict begins to be educated on the disease of addiction, learn coping strategies and interpersonal communication skills. The action stage is the foundation for long-term recovery and builds confidence.
- Maintenance – The last stage is the maintenance stage. This begins once the person has completed treatment. The individual learns to avoid triggers and any temptations in this stage successfully. They will need to continue working with their treatment team and continue getting support from others who are active in recovery. Those in the maintenance stage need to remain engaged by attending 12-step meetings or support groups.
Recovering from addiction is a process. It takes a strong desire, great commitment, and a lot of determination, and encouragement, and support to be vital for a successful recovery.
Treatment Available For Addiction at Riverwalk Recovery Center
Riverwalk Recovery Center understands how hard the recovery process can be. Recovery is a journey and not a destination. Our programs help people overcome addiction and mental health issues by helping them change their lifestyles. We have a team of compassionate and understanding professionals who are invested in your success. If you or someone you love is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, give us a call and let our team help you.