Trauma Recovery

Dealing with anything traumatic can take time. You may be in shock, have doubts about who you are and even blame yourself for what happened. The truth is that traumatic experiences can change a person for the worse. It can cause you to isolate yourself from friends and loved ones. You may even self-loathe with alcohol and drugs.

Does the description above resonate with you? If so, you may benefit greatly from a trauma recovery therapy program. Keep reading here today to learn more about how this treatment may be able to help you overcome trauma.

Dealing with Addiction and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Unfortunately, there are millions of people who have post-traumatic stress disorder and addictions. These two conditions often connect with one another for numerous reasons. One such reason is because dealing with trauma can be chaotic and devastating. Many people who have PTSD often turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with what happened.

If you relate to this, it may be time to reach out for help. Here at Riverwalk Recovery Center, our team wants to help you change your thought patterns about the traumatic experience. We want to help you heal from addiction and PTSD.

Benefits of Trauma Recovery Treatment Programs

Are you hoping to find your way back to your true self after a traumatic event? If so, our team can help you with this. We have trauma recovery programs with the service of trauma therapy. We have had many clients receive these services and benefit from them.

Whenever someone needs to overcome trauma, they first need to receive support. Overcoming something traumatic can be complicated and troubling. It can often lead people to isolate, abuse drugs and alcohol and question their self-worth. When you receive support throughout your recovery process and get evidence-based treatment, you have a greater chance at building a better recovering lifestyle.

Some benefits of receiving trauma therapy during trauma recovery include:

  • Processing the traumatic event
  • Dealing with the trauma head on with professional support
  • Having less side effects as compared to taking medications
  • Having support from people who understand trauma
  • Getting empathy from others who have dealt with trauma
  • Being able to recognize how the trauma is currently impacting your life
  • Finding ways to alter your thinking, so each feeling or thought you have doesn’t bring you back to memories of the trauma

These are just some ways that trauma therapy might help you during your recovery. It is important to know that not everyone will receive the same number of trauma therapy sessions. The number of sessions you need will be based on your trauma history, thought patterns, personal beliefs and obstacles you face due to the trauma.

Three Phases of Trauma Recovery

Are you considering attending trauma therapy sessions? If so, it might be best to have an idea of how this therapy will work during your treatment program. Here is a breakdown of the three phases of trauma recovery.

  • Phase I – Safety and Stabilization – At this time, individuals work to find ways to manage their emotions, soothe themselves, and determining what parts of their lives need recovery.
  • Phase II – Remembrance and Mourning – Individuals are asked to process their trauma by labeling their emotions in an effort to bring meaning to their traumatic event, as well as to help grieve the event.
  • Phase III – Reconnection and Integration – During this phase, individuals work to develop a new path forward for themselves that includes feeling empowered, self-aware, and positive.

Do you have an addiction due to trauma experiences? Are you struggling to move past a trauma, no matter how hard you try? Does it seem like your life kind of stopped when the trauma happened? If you can relate to these questions, it may be time to get extra help and support to overcome the trauma. .

If you need or want more information about trauma therapy, feel free to talk to our team about it. We will gladly assist you in your trauma recovery journey in any way that we can.

Get Into Trauma Recovery with the Help of Therapy

If you have experienced something traumatic, your life doesn’t have to stop there. In fact, you can recover from that experience and be stronger than ever.

Contact us, here at Riverwalk Recovery Center, and get into trauma recovery with the help of trauma therapy. Don’t keep letting the trauma hold you back from living the life you deserve.

Most Insurance Accepted

We work with most major insurance carriers and offer a range of options to fit your lifestyle and financial means 

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We Have A Program To Fit Your Lifestyle

Whether you are struggling with depression, addiction, an eating disorder or some combination of these, we can help. All you need to do is make the first move and reach out to us. Let’s get you better, together.
